Hidden Book Treasure No 15: 'Maidun Castle'

A few days of watery sunshine have enticed Serge & Tweed to shake off Winter hibernation and welcome in 2013 with a bit of a face lift. Hopefully the cobweb free, sunnier disposition won't alarm you too much?

To kick off 2013 here's the latest treasure to fall from a book; a small, postcard sized pencil drawing which reads, 'Ancient Earthwork - Maidun Castle, Dorset.'.
Such a charming drawing, made all the more so by the misspelling of 'Maiden' and the evident pressure of concentration which was applied to the paper whilst it was being drawn. It was hidden inside the pages of an early 20th Century copy of Lorna Doone - a classroom edition by the look of it's cover. Spotted with damp and with a split and badly frayed spine, the picture survived, a little yellowed, but crisp and intact.
For those of you unfamiliar with Maiden Castle it is one of the largest, Iron Age fortresses to survive in Britain with an impressive series of ramparts. Rather than go into any more detail here let me direct you to a short piece of film presented by archaeologist, Neil Oliver, for the BBC's Coast series in 2008, which gives you a bird's eye view of the real thing...


It makes you wonder who the artist was and when they drew it, doesn't it? Hope you find more hidden treasures in 2013, I do enjoy reading about them.
Murgatroyd said…
Thank you VK! It has a definite feel of school pupil artistry from the 40's or 50's...
nilly said…
How I envy your "Hidden Book Treasures"! I must have bought thousands of second hand books over the years, but nothing much has dropped out of them. I can only remember one which was a letter from a lady to a young soldier in the Napoleonic Wars, advising him, in verse, to stop swearing. And I've lost it. B****r!
Murgatroyd said…
Oh no! What a shame Nilly - that sounded like a letter which was worth keeping too!
Serge & Tweed has beady eyes!