
Passed a group of travellers the other day who had set up home in their horse box in the middle of a busy roundabout. A far cry from the jolly primness of the vintage corral set up at last year's Much Marcle Steam Fair, but no less interesting. Sadly, there was no opportunity to take a photo of aforementioned horse box camp.


James Russell said…
Love this - there's a nice grassy roundabout near us and i've often imagined setting up camp there like Robinson Crusoe!
The Vintage Knitter said…
That is caravanning in style! I love the rear window sign too! BBC4 made a great programme about caravans a couple of years ago - did you see it? I found it compulsive viewing and am always happy to watch repeats. I love the old lady, Dorrie, and her pioneering spirit.
Murgatroyd said…
Ha ha - now, there's a plan James! If you decide to set up camp be sure to let us know so we can pop over for a tea in an enamel mug.

No VK, I haven't seen the BBC4 programme but occasionally those things are repeated after 12 months or so on iPlayer aren't they? I'll keep an eye out for it